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This course is specifically designed for Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Nurses who are looking to enhance their skills in Vocational Rehabilitation.
Proclaim Care and AIG have been shortlisted for the Partnership of the Year Award. Proclaim Care have also been shortlisted for Rehabilitation Innovation of the Year and Large Case Management Company of the Year Award.
We are delighted to welcome Helen Ovans to Proclaim Group. Helen joins as Head of Operations of Proclaim Care and the employment of this role marks a significant point in our growth journey.
Come & meet Obair Associates at the CMSUK Conference – we are presenting on Day 2 at 11.50am-12.30pm in Breakout Session 3 in The Eversfield.
The PI Awards are for all types of professionals and providers in the personal injury sector. Proclaim Group’s shortlisting is recognition of their reputation for supporting clients no matter the challenges.
The presentation discussed Assistive Technology uses and benefits to Case Managers, Claim Handlers and Solicitors.
The Proclaim Training Academy bi-annual CPD conference has been another great success. Thanks to everyone who supported us to deliver an outstanding conference for all our staff.
Proclaim Academy of Rehabilitation and Vocational Expertise was privileged to be offered the chance to deliver training to members of the Gibraltar Insurance Institute.