Proclaim Care Services
Combining clinical experience and case management skills to meet the needs of the client is key to our award-winning client centred case management service. All our rehabilitation case managers are health professionals and our service is delivered nationwide for all injury types.

What the service offers:
- An Immediate Needs Assessment (INA), carried out by meeting the client face to face at their home or workplace.
- On appropriate cases, the INA is combined with; Hand and Upper Limb Evaluation, Vocational Assessment, Equipment Needs Assessment; Worksite Assessment.
- A clear, simple, goal-focused Rehabilitation Plan, with regular contact and monitoring.
- Engagement with all stakeholders to support a safe and sustainable return to work and / or education.
- Organisation of agreed treatments and therapy through approved provider.
Who is the service for?
We support adults and children who have experienced major trauma or catastrophic injuries or illness that have life changing impact.
How is the service delivered?
- The client is placed at the centre of the rehabilitation plan using a holistic biopsychosocial approach.
- We implement and co-ordinate all resources required to ensure the planned rehabilitation programme is successful and achieves the goals focused outcomes.
- Alongside the rehabilitation plan, we work with employers or education establishments.
- The Rehabilitation Case Manager is supported by a Clinical Team Leader and Technical Team members to ensure there is always continuity of service.
- Regular contact and meetings with all stakeholders to produce a positive outcome for the clients, their representatives, solicitors and funders.
- Virtual assessment and treatment for appropriate cases.
The job of the Rehabilitation Case Manager
- An Immediate Needs Assessment (INA), carried out by meeting the client face to face at their home or workplace.
- On appropriate cases, the INA is combined with; Hand and Upper Limb Evaluation, Vocational Assessment, Equipment Needs Assessment; Worksite Assessment.
- A clear, simple, goal-focused Rehabilitation Plan, with regular contact and monitoring.
- Engagement with all stakeholders to support a safe and sustainable return to work and / or education.
- Organisation of agreed treatments and therapy through approved provider.
How to refer a case
For our case management services, you can instruct us by the contact details below or by completing the Refer a Case form.
Refer a Case
To refer a case, please select the referral type you require and the appropriate form will be displayed for completion.
If the mandatory information is not know, please add ‘n/a’ into the respective field.
An automated acknowledge will be issued following a successful submission. If you do not receive an automatic acknowledgement, please call 01698 207 755 to confirm that the referral has been received.
Alternatively, call or email us.
Type of Referral
For case management referrals, please select:
Please select a form from the above drop downs